
Welcome to the Ballintubber Abbey Choir!

Our journey began on September 19th, 2012, with our very first practice. At the time, there was a longing for a “proper choir” in our community, and under the guidance of Fr. Fahey, we embarked on a musical adventure. Initially, our group consisted of a small cohort of dedicated individuals who lent their voices to the Mass. It was Marcus Keane and Seán Hayes who extended the invitation, recognizing the need for regular practice to truly flourish.

Enter Siobhan Feeney, a cherished member of our choir, who reached out to her former school teacher, Sr. Francis McMyler, for guidance. Sr. Francis’s expertise and passion for music proved invaluable as she taught us the intricacies of the Mass, introduced new hymns, and nurtured our harmonies. What was meant to be a brief visit until Christmas turned into a remarkable journey spanning a decade, with Sr. Francis becoming an integral part of our choir family.

The spotlight found us during televised Masses in 2015 and 2016, pushing us to elevate our performances. Since then, we’ve continued to grow, fueled by our shared love for music and dedication to excellence.

Throughout the years, Janine and Maria have been the driving force behind our choir. Unofficially leading us with their unwavering commitment and passion, they officially took the reins when Sr. Francis could no longer join us due to the challenges posed by the pandemic in 2020.

Today, the Ballintubber Abbey Choir stands as a testament to the power of music to unite, uplift, and inspire. We invite you to join us on our journey as we continue to harmonize, uplift spirits, and spread joy through our music.

Come, be a part of something beautiful. Come, sing with us at Ballintubber Abbey Choir.  Rehearsals each Wednesday in the Abbey at 8pm.  New members are always welcome.